Aug 13, 2024

The Future of Political Deepfake Detection

Person walking forward

In a year marked by crucial elections and armed conflicts, disinformation engineers are intensifying their efforts to exploit the chaos and polarization within our society. Taking advantage of the fast-paced nature of the news cycle, these malicious actors leverage deepfakes to spread false information and conspiracy theories across social media and fraudulent websites. 

In just the past two months, journalists had to utilize political deepfake detection to parse through fake and authentic photos of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump to correct the flow of disinformation about the event, race to inform the public about the deepfake video of State Department spokesman Matthew Miller, and debunk the deepfake of Joe Biden cursing his way out of the presidential race. 

These are merely a few examples of the AI-manipulated content deployed to deceive the public in 2024. Deepfakes are becoming increasingly normalized by prominent media figures, and newsrooms are under growing pressure to deliver immediate coverage of breaking news while simultaneously preventing the accidental dissemination of AI-generated media as authentic. As AI technology advances, enabling the creation of deepfakes that can easily trick the human senses, this challenge is magnified.

Given Reality Defender’s nonprofit roots and founding philosophy of using AI for good, collaborating with newsrooms and individual journalists to provide crucial tools for political deepfake detection is our top priority. As we cultivate these relationships to help analyze and label AI-generated media created to mislead the public, we remain committed to perfecting our detection tools and making our web app interface as user-friendly as possible for quick and comprehensive media verification.

Guide to Political Deepfake Detection 

Newsrooms and journalists can upload the media in question via the easy drag and drop window in the Reality Defender web application. 

The system offers the choices to upload images, video, and audio for media deepfake analysis.

\ Solutions by Industry
Reality Defender’s purpose-built solutions help defend against deepfakes across all industries
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