Behind the Scenes

Aug 13, 2024

Why Reality Defender Partners with Generative AI Companies

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The complex fight against deepfakes requires a shared effort between the creators of cutting-edge generative AI models and cybersecurity experts developing the tools to detect AI-manipulated content. While often framed as an "arms race," the ongoing competition between deepfake creation and detection is, in fact, an opportunity for collaboration. 

As part of our mission to continue building the most powerful and reliable deepfake detection tools on the market, the Reality Defender team has been expanding its strategic partnerships across the AI industry. By fostering these partnerships, we can collectively advance responsible AI development and mitigate the risks associated with deepfake technology.

AI Generation Meets AI Defense

Reality Defender is committed to building strong alliances with key players in the generative AI space. Our recent collaborations with ElevenLabs and Respeecher exemplify this approach. By working closely with the creators of genAI software, we gain invaluable access to cutting-edge generative AI models that enable us to develop more sophisticated detection tools. These partnerships also allow us to share our expertise in responsible AI development and to promote a shared commitment to combating the misuse of AI.

Perhaps the most valuable part of our partnerships with generative AI companies is the unique opportunity to analyze generative AI models before they are released to the public. This access, provided generously by our partners, allows us to stay not only in lockstep with, but ahead of, malicious actors looking to misuse these tools to create harmful deepfakes. Researching and integrating the deepfake models of tomorrow into our detection tools has enabled us to offer future-proof cybersecurity measures to our clients, and new partnerships allow us to make our product detection capabilities even more comprehensive.

A Data-Driven Approach to Deepfake Detection

Since the company’s founding, Reality Defender’s R&D experts have prioritized ethical and responsible data sourcing for the training of our AI-fueled detection models. This commitment to keeping questionable and biased data out of our training continues as we carefully select our data-sharing partners, while gaining access to new high-quality datasets that make our detection tools state-of-the-art. 

The battle against deepfakes is a complex challenge that demands a collaborative approach. By fostering partnerships between generative AI developers and detection experts, we can create a more secure digital landscape. Reality Defender is proud to play a leading role in this effort, and we will continue to work closely with our current and future partners to build a future in which AI is used for good.

\ Solutions by Industry
Reality Defender’s purpose-built solutions help defend against deepfakes across all industries
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